Good man? Myth? Teacher? Prophet? Fraud? Almighty God?
Jesus Revealed
More than a man
Jesus is God in the flesh (John 1:14). The Bible says that no one has seen God but Jesus, the only begotton Son of God, has made him known (John 1:18). Although he was God (and still is) Jesus, who created the universe (John 1:3), humbled himself and entered this world as a human (Philippians 2:6-8), being born in a stable in Bethlehem to Mary and Joseph. He did this for one purpose alone: to be the perfect sacrifice (Romans 8:3) to pay for the sins of mankind so that all who repent and trust in him may not die but have eternal life (John 3:16).
[To find out what it means that Jesus is the only begotton Son of God, Click Here and go to the panel on the left that speaks about "his only begotton Son".]
Because God is just, he demanded that sin be paid for. Because he is merciful, he paid for it. We did the crime, he paid the fine. This was accomplished when Jesus, the sinless Son of God, died on a cross in our place (2 Corinthians 5:21). Its not that God was going to sacrifice us on a cross, but the cross was recognised as a place of curse and rejection and on the cross Jesus came under the curse of sin (though he was sinless) and was rejected by God in our place. His death was to save sinners from hell, the ultimate place of rejection. The place where a Holy God will one day send unrepentant sinners forever.
Because Jesus was not sinful but holy, God raised him from death three days later proving he had authority over sin and death. It was impossible for death to hold the sinless Son of God. After Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared to over 500 people before being taken up into heaven bodily. His resurrection and assension proving that God has accepted Jesus's sacrifice as full payment for humanity's sin. To all who repent and put their trust in Jesus, his death is effective for them in bringing forgiveness, new birth into God's family, eternal life and the gift of the Holy Spirit. These things are not earned. They are a gift. "The wages (ie. you earn it or deserve it) of sin is death, but the gift (ie. you don't deserve it) of God is eternal life, in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23).
Just as Jesus left this world in bodily form, so he will come again to judge the world. The first time he came, it was in a smelly stable, the next time it will be with all his heavenly might and power, accompanied by heaven's angels and with the glory of God the Father. But before he comes to judge the world, he will return as promised (John 14:1-4, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-18) to call all believers (those who repent and trust Jesus for salvation) home to be with him. Click Here to see a flash presentation about this.